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Мир дикой природы - услуги

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Фриде А.М Environmental protection is a universal concern. Today the danger to our planet is increasing every day and in order to improve the situation both individuals and government should work together. Government should take measures that will help to improve the environment. It should pass the laws that would make enterprises take measures for reducing of pollution. Very strict regulations should be implemented regarding industrial discharge. And the penalties for breaking rules must be painful. There must be strict laws that protect endangered species. It would be a good idea to educate people about the dangers of extinction. As a result, more people might do voluntary work protecting endangered species. Government should finance and support programs aimed at developing new technologies. So scientists and engineers will be able to find the ways to reduce pollution from enterprises and automobiles. People must change their attitude towards the environment. There are a lot of simple things we all should do to stop the destruction of the environment. First of all people must keep their cities and villages clean. That means they mustn’t drop litter in public places and on the street. They should put it in a bin. And the town council should provide more rubbish bins in all public places. People should change their habits and behaviour. They should think before pouring something down the drain, dispose trash into the garbage bins and collect their garbage after picnics. We must stop, or at least reduce, using aerosol sprays and other chemicals because they destroy the ozone layer. People should help to plant trees and create parks, they should take care of birds and animals. If people want to survive they must do their best to solve the environmental problems. If we do nothing we are heading for disaster. If we take the action now there might be a hope for the future. Our planet is our home and we need to protect it. In other words, think green – live better.

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21.06.2015 | отрицательный отзыв
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Мир дикой природы - Долгов нет

У меня ситуация ещё смешнее, чем у большинства...Мне позвонили по телефону (где они его взяли ума не приложу, да и не важно) и предложили в рекламных целях прислать один из номеров продукции ИМП (какой тоже не уточнили) .Прислали какие-то листы упакованные в прозрачный полиэтиленовый пакет...(честно мы его даже не распечатали)...ну и всё, ни звонков, не писем..ничего...вдруг приходит ещё один, так Подробнее>>





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