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Elena Likhach Skoch Skill - Likhach s Skoch Skill project is awesome!

Автор:Teddy Barovski

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I visited an excellent exhibition of paintings in Moscow, where paintings by Elena Likhach were presented. Her sticky art draws the eye of many visitors to the exhibition. Alas, I didn’t get to meet the artist personally, but I managed to see most of her paintings. I remember the unusual picture of a girl with red tears. I would call her "surprise", because the girl s emotions are exactly like that. Now I m wondering what she saw. It is a pity that you can not ask the artist directly


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08.02.2023 | положительный отзыв
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Elena Likhach "Skoch Skill" project is very cute!

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I think that tape is easier to work with because it forgives a lot of mistakes for craftsmen. Elena Likhach worked on her skill for a long time to show... Подробнее>>

03.02.2023 | положительный отзыв
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well done!

Положительные стороны:
Elena Likhach is a Russian artist who won my heart. I visited a free exhibition of paintings from adhesive tape and began to treat contemporary art in a completely different... Подробнее>>

30.01.2023 | положительный отзыв
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Saw it and proud

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At an exhibition in Moscow, he drew attention to an amazing picture of a girl with glasses and said: “How beautifully the artist conveyed color.” Then I took a closer... Подробнее>>

24.01.2023 | положительный отзыв
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Some a good school

Положительные стороны:
Elena Likhach hooked me with her skill. As far as I know, no one else in Moscow makes pictures fr om scotch tape. Or maybe I just don\ t know.... Подробнее>>





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