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Erik van Amstel (Эрик ван Амстел) и Co - отзыв работника «Аноним» о работе в компании


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Erik van Amstel, Dutchman. He owns several companies with the same name in Russia and the Netherlands. The way he does his business is also always the same – get entertained, deceive, cheat and fake and never pay! Most his principles, business partners and suppliers have already officially stopped their relations with van Amstel. However he continues to “promote” and “sell” his former partners’ equipment in Russia, cheating his prospective customers! Besides, Erik van Amstel is now under court proceedings with his former partners, customers and employees both in Russia and in the Netherlands! If you doubt on the information above ask him how many court proceeding is going and why he's not paying his employees and cheat his customers and supplyer. Guys, be careful, he's not how he looks. Do not give him money or work before he pays.

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Отзывы о компании

01.09.2009 | положительный отзыв
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Erik van Amstel (Эрик ван Амстел) и Co

Отрицательные стороны:
Erik van Amstel, Dutchman. He owns several companies with the same name in Russia and the Netherlands. The way he does his business is also always the same – get entertained, deceive, cheat and fake and never pay! Most his principles, business partners and suppliers have already officially stopped their relations with van Amstel. However he continues to “promote” and “sell” his former partners’ equipment in Russia, cheating his prospective customers! Besides, Erik van Amstel is now under court proceedings with his former partners, customers and employees both in Russia and in the Netherlands! If you doubt on the information above ask him how many court proceeding is going and why he's not paying his employees and cheat his customers and supplyer. Guys, be careful, he's not how he looks. Do not give him money or work before he pays.
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